African tetras in new 120g

Getting these fish into an appropriate sized tank has been long overdue. I have had some of these fish for 3-4 years in an aquarium that was far too small for them. Never buy fish you don't have room for because “you are planning on upgrading“. Life gets in the way and sometimes there are delays and setbacks. But I finally have a 120 gallon aquarium (48“ x 24.5“ x 25.5“) and I think they will be very happy in it. Would love to upgrade to a 6 or 8 foot tank for them in the future but this will have to do for now. Fish list includes: 11 x Phenacogrammus aurantiacus (lamp-eye Congo tetra) 10 x Alestopetersius brichardi (red Congo tetra, my newest fish at only 2 months and they are still rather young and don't have full adult coloring and fins yet) 3 x Bathyaethiops breuseghemi (red-cap moon tetra) 2 x Nannaethiops unitaeniatus (African one-line tetra, some of my oldest remaining fish) 1 x Brycinus longipinnis (Alestes tetra) 1 x Microctenopoma ansorgii 6 x Pelvicachromis kribensis 'Moliwe' (probably about 6 generations from my original pair) 2 x Steatocranus casuarius and some of their babies Plants are mostly from Africa and Madagascar with a few from SE Asia and world wide tropical distribution. But this is not meant to be an accurate biotope aquarium just fish and plants from the same general region of the world. Also have 5 Otocinclus sp for algae control. I include them in all my tanks as the best unobtrusive algae eaters. There aren't too many choices of African fish for fighting algae available for sale. Some of these fish are not that well represented in videos or images online so I hope to add many more as they grow and this tank develops over time.