Социальный проект Михеля и Мануэлы Видмер. Элементарный театр на окраине бедной цыганской деревни в Румынии. Music Drama – Elemental Style with Roma children from Romania (Manuela & Michel Widmer 2017)

The door opens and nearly 20 children in the age between 4 and 16 run into the social center, that was built by the organization “Elijah” north of the town Sibiu (Siebenbürgen/Romania) at the edge of a Roma village. During the next three days, we want to play with this colorful and lively group with musical, vocal and dance elements to prepare a little performance for family members based on an African legend (“The song of the colorful birds”). We are looking forward to this project and are eager to be open for everything and everybody whom we will meet in these exciting days…