Sanger sequencing method - dideoxy sequencing of DNA

Sanger sequencing method lecture - This lecture explains about the dideoxy chain termination method of DNA sequencing which is also known as Sanger sequencing. The mechanism of Sanger sequencing is explained with this video lecture. In this DNA sequencing approach, modified dideoxy nucleotides are used to cause the chain termination of DNA synthesis which helps to find out the exact DNA sequence. This method of DNA sequencing is named as following - Sanger sequencing Dideoxy sequencing Chain termination method of DNA sequencing. For more information, log on to- Get Shomu's Biology DVD set here- Download the study materials here- Remember Shomu’s Biology is created to spread the knowledge of life science and biology by sharing all this free biology lectures video and animation presented by Suman Bhattacharjee in YouTube. All these tutorials are brought to you f