How to understand STR electropherogram

In the field of genetics, an electropherogram is a plot of DNA sequencing results generated by Sanger sequencing. ... Such electropherograms may be used to determine DNA sequence genotypes, or genotypes that are based on the length of specific DNA fragments. These genotypes can be used for: genealogical DNA testing. #Genetics #DNA #DNATesting #Electropherogram #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #ydnaTest #CODISDatabase #whatIsTheCodisDatabase #canGenealogistsUseTheCodisDatabase #isCODISHelpfulInGenealogyResearch #whyGenealogistsDoNotUseCODIS #geneticGenealogy #geneticGenealogySolvingCrimes #geneticGenealogyCrime #codisDnaDatabase #CODIS #combinedDnaIndexSystem #dnaDatabase #strDna #DNAFingerprinting #dnaProfile #STR #Vntr #RFLP #RestrictionEnzyme