GENEVA JACUZZI’S CASKET | Official HD Film (2023)

Starring Geneva Jacuzzi in all roles. Directed by Chris Friend More info at From Article: You ever get yourself in an altered state – we don’t judge how, exactly – and end up having a nightmarish series of dreams that have no connection to anything else except the images your overblown neurons generate? Well, welcome to Geneva Jacuzzi’s Casket. There is no narrative, simply a succession of insane, rapid-fire Jungian images, revolving around a loose concept that’s part Blade Runner, part Brazil, part Mombi from Return To Oz. “Los Angeles 2066AD: The Pleasure-U BioDrone, Kate Shaw’s only assistant, has contracted an undiagnosed mental disease. The BioDrone’s head, inside a reprogramming bag, continuously calls to Kate’s brain with strange visions.” “When I wrote the original brief for “Geneva Jacuzzi’s Casket,” I told Geneva I wanted this special,” explains director Chris Friend. “Not a typical “music video.” I int