WLToys Sky-King VS XK A800 w/ Jumper T8SG Plus

TS8G WLToys Sky-King Glider - XK A800 Glider - 00:37 Sky-King 300mAh Stock Tx 20:23 Jumper T8SG Plus Setup 32:33 Sky-King 300mAh Jumper 38:49 A800 300mAh Jumper 43:55 Sky-King 500mAh Jumper 49:07 A800 500mAh Jumper A800 Forum... Download the A800 INI file... ...this will also work for the Sky-King. You just have to move this file onto your Jumper using the USB cable or a memory card. Help Us Patreon PayPal brianphillipsrc@ Horizon Tower Arrows Bitgo Hobbyking Titan Amazon