Abrolhos Islands, Keep Your Eyes Open - Free Range Sailing Ep 1

Episode 1 of our cruising the Wild West Series. We say goodbye to Perth and head to the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, the southern most coral reef in the Indian Ocean. We swim with seals and dolphins, catch a couple of tuna (one edible and one not so edible), enjoy some stunning free diving and discover tales of shipwreck, murder and mutiny. Music Credits 0:01 Scuba – Simun Mathewson () 0:23 & 14:13 Milk against the Machine - Laze () 2:12 & 12:30 I know where to go – Sammy Smith 9:51 Herb Clutters House - Laze () 17:02 Hypnotise – Ash Hendriks Free Range Resources Essential Reading The Cruiser's Handbook of Fishing (Scott and Wendy Bannerot):