Junk food pretending to be healthy is even more dangerous than junk food. @PeopleVsFood

Junk food pretending to be healthy is even more dangerous than junk food. Let us take an example of Tang. Tang has a huge picture of an orange in the front, but it has only 0.9% orange! Tang has 93% added sugar and if 93% was not sweet enough, they also add an artificial sweetener on top. Tang mentions “no artificial flavour” in the front, but has “added orange flavour” mentioned in the back. Tang also has colour 171, which is Titanium Dioxide, which is banned in most European and middle eastern countries since it is linked to cancer. Most parents would prevent their kids from having coke or pepsi daily, but the sad part is many of them would give their kids Tang daily. Let us stop feeding our families junk food that pretends to be healthy! @BestEverFoodReviewShow @healtyfood6781 #instagram #facebook #viralvideo #breaking #worldnews @ @INDIAEATMANIAFOOD