Nunhdhirribala (Red Flag) lambirlpirl (didgeridoo) from south-east Arnhem Land

This is Darryl Dikarrnga playing a didgeridoo from SE Arnhem Land that belongs to the Nunhdhirribala people, who call this type of instrument lambirlpirl (that's 3 retroflex 'l's) - note the phonetic similarity to “dhambirlpirl“ the sacred yirdaki for some Yirritja clans in the Yolngu cultural bloc. Darryl demonstrates Kun-borrk style though really it should be played Nunhdhirribala way with overtone note. Genuine lambirlpirl are pretty hard to find, this is an authentic used instrument collected from Mickey in eastern Arnhem Land, tis a lovely sounding instrument with compact yet rich acoustics, buzzy but still with good acoustic resolution. Quite a remarkable stick unlike anything I've played before.