How Christianity was Forced on the Germanic Peoples

Sources Below The Germanic peoples underwent gradual Christianization in the course of late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. By AD 700, England and Francia were officially Christian, and by 1100 Germanic paganism had also ceased to have political influence in Scandinavia. Christianization began in the Roman Empire, continued through the Middle Ages in Europe, and in the twenty-first century has spread around the globe. Online shop TOP suggested books to learn more! Insta Patreon United Homesteads Sources History of the Franks Heimskringla Adam of Bremmen, Gesta Hammaburgensis Vita Sancti Wilfrithi Carmen de conversione Saxonum Lex Frisionum, Lex Saxonum. Capitulatio de partibus Saxoniae Intro- 00:00 Frankia- 01:30 England 03:20 Saxony- 07:20 Frisia- 10:20 Denmark- 11:50 Norway- 13:30 Sweden- 15:20 Conclusion- 17:00 A shift in Christianization took place in 612 when the Visigothic King Sisebut declared the obligatory conversion of all Jews in Spain, contradicting Pope Gregory who had reiterated the traditional ban against forced conversion of the Jews in 591. The Franks first appear in the historical record in the 3rd century as a confederation of Germanic tribes living on the east bank of the lower Rhine River. Clovis I was the first king of the Franks to unite all of the Frankish tribes under one ruler.