Fruit platter - how to make a fruit platters

Fruit platter - how to make a fruit platters You can learn how to cut fruit like a pro. Making beautiful fruit arrangements. Fruit platter ideas Aprenda la técnica de cómo cortar la fruta y para hacera platos y bandejas perfectas!! Learn the technique of how to cut the fruit and to make perfect plates and trays it can be fruits or veggies. Técnica y combinación de colores y texturas en los platos y bandejas de frutas y vegetales. Technique and combination of colors and textures in the plates and trays of fruits and vegetables. Como cortar un melon. How to cut a honeydew. Como cortar una pina. How to cut a pineapple. Como cortar una papaya. How to cut papaya. Como cortar una fresa, How to cut an strawberry as a garnish.