SCR denitration catalyst---transported into a drying room after extrusion

SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) is a selective catalytic reduction technology. It has developed rapidly in recent years and has been widely used in Western Europe and Japan. Currently, ammonia catalytic reduction is the most widely used technology. It has no by-products, does not form secondary pollution, has a simple device structure, and has high removal efficiency (up to more than 90%), reliable operation, and easy maintenance. Selectivity means that under the action of the catalyst and in the presence of oxygen, NH3 preferentially undergoes a reduction and removal reaction with NOx to generate nitrogen and water, rather than an oxidation reaction with oxygen in the flue gas. The main reaction formula is: 4NO 4NH3 O2→4N2 6H2O(1) 2NO2 4NH3 O2→ 3N2 6H2O(2) #scrcatalyst #catalyst#Engineering #Filtration #PelletizingPlant #Metallurgicalindustry #AirPollutionControl #CleanAir #Innovation #decarbonisation #fluegastreatment