元宵节 + 情人节快乐‼️ 🧧❤️🍊🎊

元宵节是农历新年的第一个月圆,象征著春天的到来。华人传统会吃元宵、赏花灯、猜灯谜,以示祝贺。这是传统新春定义的最后一天,亦是春节假期之后的第一个重要节日~ 🧧❤️ 青年男女外出观灯并趁机结识、相会,所以在东南亚地区也有 “中国情人节” 的别称。我们㊗️大家元宵节+情人节快乐‼️ 🌸🏮 📲 欢迎大家分享我们的帖子/影片,一起传播佳节的喜悦!🎊 The Lantern Festival marks the first full moon of the lunar new year, symbolizing the arrival of spring. In Chinese tradition, people celebrate this day by enjoying sweet rice dumplings, admiring lanterns, & solving lantern riddles to express good wishes. It's the final day of the traditional Chinese New Year celebrations & a significant festival right after the Spring Festival holiday. Young men & women often go out to view lanterns, providing an opportunity to meet & spend time together. Hence, in Southeast Asia, it's sometimes referred to as “Chinese Valentine's Day.“ We wish everyone a joyful Lantern Festival & Valentine's Day‼️ 🐉🍊 📸 Welcome everyone to share our posts/video, spreading this joy together! 🎉 欢迎关注我们的社交平台: ❤️ Facebook: 📸 Instagram: 📺 YouTube: 🤹🏻 TikTok: 📕 小红书: 🌐 Website: #LanternFestival #ValentinesDay #SpringIsHere #TraditionalCelebrations #LanternRiddles #ChineseCulture #CelebratingTogether #元宵节 #情人节 #春天来了 #传统庆典 #花灯猜谜 #中国文化 #共度美好