Sayoc Kali - Sama Sama 2006 - 1

Видеозапись с летнего лагеря-семинара, организованного Sayoc Kali Бой палкой, ножом, кнутом Tuhon Chris Sayoc - Introduction to Skill Sets (25:38) Blade Protocol - A description of rigs and how to wear them. How to stop your blade fixation. How to properly pass your blade to another person. Knife Design Choice - Several of the Sayoc designs are discussed and you are given the purpose for various designs. Blade Throw & Catch - Single and Double throw and catch are covered. Quick Draw - Targeting, rigging, and when to utilize the quick draw. Vital Templates - What they are, ranges, and when to engage. Projectiles - When to use them, why to use them, how to analyze the reactionary gap. Grips - How to hold your trainers in a safe manner, and the purpose of the cord grips. Framing - The concept of framing, quick deflections, quick entries. Counter Stripping - Quick re-counters to blade strips. Wrist Locking During Tapping Flow - How to interrupt the receiver’s rhythm using the punyo of your blade during tapping flow. Blade Transfers - How to transfer your blade from one hand to the other during flow. Elbow chipping is demonstrated. Quick Draw In Flow - How and when to quick draw during flow. How and where to load your quick draw sheath is covered. Quick Draw Re-Transfer - How the feeder can re-transfer his blade after a quick draw has been countered. Quick Draw & Slash Counter - A receiver’s counter to the quick draw & slash. Quick Draw Strip Details - The dynamics of the quick draw counter and disarm are covered. Quick Draw Re-Counter - A counter to the quick draw counter from the feeder’s perspective. Conclusion - The importance of specific targeting is discussed. Tuhon Felix Cortes - Sayoc Silak - C-Templates (43:00) Introduction - Instructors demonstrate variations of C-Template 1. As Tuhon Felix demonstrates and discusses concepts, clips are shown from real stickfights to show the concepts in real time. C-Template 1 Right & Left C-Form 1 Right & Left C-Template 1 Receiver Grip Training Range Awareness Witik Details Close Quarter Switching Range Details - C-Template 1 Strike #7 How To Feed The Switches Targeting C-Template 1 Long Range Variation C-Template 1 Long Range Footwork C-Template 1 Left (Detail) Closing Details - C-Template 1 Strike #4 C-Template 1 Receiver (Details) Tuhon Ray Dionaldo - Stick Grappling Entries (18:50) Ranges Punyos and when/why to use them Inside Entry 1 Spear Entry 6 Count Inside-Outside Entry Body Block To Set Up The Cross Inside Entry To Backhand Redondo Live Hand Skip Entry Skip Entry Follow Ups Body-Stick Trap Lasso Bob & Weave Disarm To Side Choke Tuhon Tom Kier - Blade Grappling Tactics (10:32) The edged weapon as a strength equalizer Inside Entry To Face Down Control Outside Entry To Ground Control Outside Entry Off The Low Line Thrust Using Progressive Climbing