Ancient Mesoamerican Music (Flute): Pyramid Sun/Moon, Teotihuacán, Mexico - Maya, Aztec, Totonac

Ancient pre-Columbian Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacán, Mexico, where the friendly and astute Mr. José Antonio Cruz Ramos plays improvised pre-Hispanic melodies and sells replicas of flutes made by ancient people. He sits at the base of the Pyramid of the Sun, spreading the culture of its people, playing and selling flutes at a symbolic price. Antiga cidade pré-hispânica mesoamericana de Teotihuacán, México, onde o simpático e astuto Sr. José Antônio Cruz Ramos interpreta melodias pré-hispânicas improvisadas e vende réplicas de flautas dos povos antigos da região. Ele fica na base da Pirâmide Sol difundindo a cultura de seu povo, tocando e vendendo as flautas por um preço simbólico. Keywords: which teotihuacán pyramid faces the sunset on august 12, ancient mesoamerican music, ancient mesoamerican music teotihuacán, Teotihuacan City of the Gods - Documentary, native american music, 1 Hour of Mayan and Aztec