Simple Lick to Help Learn All CAGED Shapes AND Major Pentatonic Scales. #AlphaJams

Here’s a simple lick that uses four of the five pentatonic scale notes, and also two of the three notes in every CAGED position on the guitar… This video uses ALPHA JAMS for Guitar Graphics. Get a FREE or PREMIUM account here Find the jam track HERE: #MusicTheory #jamtracks #jamtrack #backingtracks #backingtrack #NowYouShred #Guitarlessons #GuitarSoloBackingTrack #Alphajams #riffwars #RockGuitar #BluesGuitar #LeadGuitar #howtosolo #jimiHendrix #jamtips #jamtracks #jamtrack #backingtracks #backingtrack #NowYouShred #guitartok #Guitarlessons #GuitarSoloBackingTrack #Alphajams #riffwars #unlockingguitar #guitarlife