Which strand is template and which is coding?

Difference between Coding Strand and Template Strand Both coding and template strands are distinct strands of a DNA structure. They differ only by a few properties and functions. Coding Strand The coding strand is the DNA strand whose base sequence is similar to its primary transcript (RNA). This strand contains codons, while the non-coding strand contains anticodons. The coding strand serves as a template for producing complementary RNA. Template Strand The term template strand refers to the DNA sequence that can duplicate itself during mRNA synthesis. The cell uses a non-coding/antisense DNA sequence as a template to produce mRNA. Frequently Asked Questions What is mRNA? Messenger RNA or mRNA is a single unit of an RNA sequence that is complementary to a DNA molecule. They act as messengers in carrying information from DNA to the cytoplasm. Thus, they serve as a template for protein synthesis. What is a transcription process? DNA makes its own copies and code for RNA by a process called transcription. Later, these RNA codes for proteins by the process of translation. Extended Reading: Transcription of DNA What is protein synthesis? The ribosomes produce proteins based on the information provided by the mRNA. The mRNA molecule translates to form an amino acid sequence, which acts as a building block for proteins. The interaction by which the mRNA codes for a specific protein is known as protein synthesis or translation. Question: The following DNA fragment contains a gene’s translation initiation codon. 3’ GCGGTGTAACTATAA 5’ 5’ CGCCACATTGATATT 3’ orientation of the template strand for mRNA synthesis must be: A) 5’3’ upper strand, B) 5’3’ orientation lower strand, C) 3’5’ orientation lower strand, D) 5’3’ orientation upper strand, E) 3’5’ orientation lower strand F) none of the above. #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #codons #antisodons #mRNA #Trna #DNA #AminoAcids #base #Genetics #messengerRNA #DNASequence #RNA #biology #Transcription #Translation #polypeptide #enzyme #codon #Nucleotide #codonTable #aminoAcid #Proteins #nucleicAcids #rybosome #anticodon #Rrna #TransferRNA #GeneticsFieldOfStudy #antiCodon #stopCodon #startCodon #AnticodonAndCodon #anticodonLoop #anticodonWooble #codonChart #RNAPolymerase #transcriptionVsTranslation