Spray it on your hair for 2 days,🌾and your hair will grow abundantly without stopping

Hairy Heroes: Garlic, Rice, Coffee & Onion for Growth While these ingredients might be common in your kitchen, they might also be hiding some scalp-stimulating secrets! Let's explore the potential benefits: Garlic: This pungent bulb may improve circulation in the scalp thanks to a compound called allicin. Increased blood flow could theoretically nourish hair follicles and promote growth. However, research is limited, and the strong smell can be a deterrent. Rice: While not directly applied, rice water – the leftover water from cooked rice – is a popular hair rinse. Rich in starch, it's thought to coat hair strands, adding shine and reducing breakage, which can give the illusion of thicker hair. Coffee: The caffeine in coffee might be a friend to your hair. Studies suggest it can stimulate hair follicle growth and even extend the hair growth phase. However, more research is needed, and coffee's effects on hair color are debated. Onion: Onions boast a hefty do