Genetic Drift vs. Gene Flow

Gene Flow and Genetic Drift Gene flow is the process of alleles going from one population to another, while genetic drift is the alteration of allele frequency in a gene pool. Watch this video to learn how gene flow and genetic drift affects the gene pool population. Problems: In a Hardy-Weinberg population with two alleles, A and a, that are in equilibrium, the frequency of the allele a is 0.3. What is the frequency of individuals that are homozygous for this allele? A) B) 0.9 C) D) 9.0 Over time, the movement of people on Earth has steadily increased. This has altered the course of human evolution by increasing _____. A) gene flow B) geographic isolation C) nonrandom mating D) genetic drift #GeneFlow #GeneticFlow #allele #Gene #Migration #mating #genePool