Kaoshikii dance 21 minutes. Slow tempo. Dancing Together

22 useful effects of running kaoshiki on a regular basis: Effects on the central and peripheral nervous system: 1) Makes the mind strong and sharp; 2) Eliminates lethargy (lethargy); 3) Relieves of insomnia; 4) Eliminates the complexes of fear and hopelessness; 5) Helps self-expression and develops abilities; 6) Smoothes wrinkles; 7) Adds charm and glow to face and skin; 8) Increases working capacity up to 75-80 years; 9) Promotes longevity; 10) Heals neuralgia and nervous exhaustion. Effects on the endocrine system: 11) Strengthens all glands from head to toe; 12) Regulates the secretion of internal glands; Osteoarticular system: 13) Strengthens all limbs; 14) Makes the spine flexible; 15) Eliminates arthritis of the spine, neck, lower back and other joints; 16) Heals the joints of the spine, neck, hands and lower back affected by gout; Effects on the digestive system: 17) Heals stomach problems, increased acidity, dyspepsia, dyse