Четыре кота отказались покидать машину девочки. Когда она узнала причину, она потеряла дар речи

#luckyanimals #catrescue #rescuedanimals #cat Having just stopped to buy some things at the convenience store, I didn't expect that when I returned, I would have become the reluctant owner of four little cats. I don't know where they came from, all four skinny, scared cats huddled under my car. Looking at their size, I guessed they were only a few weeks old, and they seemed to be starving. When they discovered the presence of humans, all four cats simultaneously puffed up their fur and meowed in alarm. I tried asking around to see if anyone knew anything about them, but no one recognized these cats. ------------------------------------ Welcome to Lucky Animals. My channel is a collection of all touching stories about the animal world around us, the luckiest animals in difficult times have received the help of their fellow human beings and people. Hopefully after watching the videos on the channel you will love this life even more. If you find it interesting, please like