ENG SUB《大约是爱2 About Is Love 2》EP16——主演:彦希、许晓诺 | 腾讯视频-青春剧场

▶Download “WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)“ APP to watch more episodes ▶Join Facebook group to chat about WeTV dramas ▶Join Tencent Video & WeTV VIP Group : ▶Welcome to subscribe and enjoy more OST 《大约是爱2》云玛集团总裁卫卿和美术系毕业生周是这对正在经历异国恋的情侣因为彼此的信任危机而分手。两年后周是重新回到卫卿的世界中却与过去大不相同,为了重新挽回周是,卫卿想尽了一切办法,两个人从最初的的矛盾重重到最终的冰释前嫌,一路上的磨难让两个人再一次看清了对方的心意,也更加确定了对彼此的感情,两个人的关系变得更加坚固。而周是的两个好朋友,也在各自的成长中有了新的收获。女神林菲菲和艺术家甯非的相处更加甜蜜,学神毕秋静和学霸李明成也成为了幸福的三口之家。 ☞主演:彦希/许晓诺 【Synopsis】Wei Qing, President of Yunma group and Zhou Shi broke up with each other because of the crisis of trust. 2 years later, Zhou Shi returned to Wei Qing's world but she was totally different from the past. In order to get back Zhou Shi back, Wei Qing did everything and tried his best. They finally be with each other after being through all the difficulties and misunderstandings. At the same time, Zhou Shi's two best friends also find their true loves. 【Starring】Yan Xi, Xu Xiaonuo 💥腾讯视频重磅推荐💥 ♥《外星女生柴小七 My Girlfriend is an Alien》: ♥《好想和你在一起 Be with You》: ♥《你是我的命中注定 You Are My Destiny》: 🔒订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: ☞腾讯视频青春剧场: ☞腾讯视频古装剧场: ☞腾讯视频悬疑剧场: ☞腾讯视频OST精选: ☞ 腾讯视频动漫: ☞ 企鹅大影院: ☞ 创造营 CHUANG2021: ☞ WeTV Vietnam: ☞ WeTV Indonesia: ☞ WeTV Thailand: ☞ WeTV English: ☞ WeTV 台灣: ☞ WeTV Spanish: ☞ WeTV Arabic: ☞ WeTV Turkish: ☞ WeTV Korea: ☞ WeTV Russian: ☞ WeTV Portuguese: ☞ WeTV Malaysia: #大约是爱2 #AboutIsLove2 #ChineseDrama