U B Ready P O Box 579 Rutland VT 05702 ubready54@   U B Ready 9/21/2024 I Come As a Thief Revelation 3:3, 16:15 3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent.  If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 15 Behold, I come as a thief.  Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. Today in prayer, the Lord gave me a vision.  I suddenly found myself walking along a path in a field, heading towards a wooded, mountainous area ahead of me.  As I walked, I noticed how quiet and peaceful it was.  Then suddenly, right in front of me, I saw a huge bear emerge from the forest tree line and head off towards the right side of my view.  It was very large, tan to light brown in color, and appeared to be a grizzly bear.  The bear did not notice me, but walked a short distance and then came to a stop.  I slowly crept up closer to see what it was doing.  I got close enough to see, but still remained out of the bear's sight.  I then saw a small stream, and the bear appeared to be fishing or looking for fish.  All was quiet, when out of nowhere, came a loud, startling, screeching cry from just above me.  Suddenly, I saw a large eagle swoop down at high speed and snatch the fish away from the bear, right out of it's paws.  The bear was very angry, but it soon went back to fishing again.  Then just as the bear caught another fish, the eagle swooped down again, only this time, the bear was ready and swatted at the eagle.  The eagle then came back with a vengeance and attacked the bear.  I saw the eagle's sharp talons tearing at the bear's flesh.  But then the bear raised up and caught hold of the eagle.  It grabbed the eagle by the wings and tore them off, and then flung the eagle to the ground.    I saw the eagle lying on the ground, kicking and screeching.  The bear went over to the eagle, stomped on it with its huge paws, and then grabbed the eagle's head and tore it off.  After a minute, the bear took its food and then walked back into the forest, leaving the eagle's lifeless body lying on the ground.   The vision ended.    The Lord then spoke this to me.  My son, what I have shown you is how America is always taunting Russia with sanctions, taking away its food and energy.  But very soon, Russia will RISE UP QUICKLY and SURPRISE America with a FATAL ATTACK.  This attack will be FAST and VICIOUS - and America will be no more. My judgment on America by Russia is just the beginning.  Tell My children to REPENT and turn from their wicked ways.  I will forgive them - for I AM patient and just.  Time is running out as America continues to provoke Russia.  It will come at night, in the early morning hours.  Most will be asleep when the fire comes, but very quickly, it will come.  REPENT NOW!  REPENT NOW!  REPENT NOW!! IT WILL COME AS I WILL COME - AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. I LOVE YOU.  I AM COMING SOON. Amen. Lord Jesus