Dennis Meadows Interview p1/4 (The Limits to Growth, Climate Change, Population Growth)

DENNIS MEADOWS, full interview about the State of our Planet, 45 years after ‘The Limits to Growth’ – arguably the most influential book about sustainability ever written. We feel very privileged that we were in the position to pick his exceptionally sharp mind and we really think this is a must-watch interview for anyone who’s working on climate & sustainability! In this first part of the interview (part 1 of 4) we talk about the main message of The Limits to Growth, and if these forecasts still hold true today. We also talk about climate change – and population growth. Yes, that’s four very interesting topics already! (If you want to see the rest, please connect to @We Love Earth (Facebook, Twitter & YouTube) for more. That is also a great support for our work!) === Context of interview: Meadows, The Limits to Growth === Dennis Meadows visited the Netherlands a couple of months ago on invitation by the Club of Rome Dutch Association. He is an American scientist and together with his spouse Donella Meadows (who sadly deceased in 2001) is part of the original group of four authors who published the first edition of ‘The Limits to Growth’ in 1972 – a book that really quite literally shook the world and that was hugely influential in the rise of the global environmental movement (leading for instance to the formation of a large number of today well-known environmental NGOs within 2 or 3 years). Dennis Meadows is now 75 years old, but still working and impressively so. What struck us most when talking to him was his no-nonsense attitude. No compliments, no trivia, as if to emphasize there really is no time for that – giving the state that we’re in. “If this isn’t collapse, then what is” – are the words that still echo in our heads after his interview and lecture (for images see: ) at Nyenrode Business University earlier that same day. Why? Because no one else in this world is better equipped to make that point. Together with his co-authors Meadows is the founding father of ‘system thinking’ – viewing our planet and the global society as one intricate system, one that includes everything: ecology, demography, resources – and of course the economic system. The main take away message: this system is physically finite. Yet 45 years later, the world is equally in denial – delusional might be a better description – and if you look at the graphs from the initial book, well, we’re extremely well on track of exactly the lines that were drawn using the very first global system models by these very four scientists in the early seventies – lines that will irrevocably lead to full-system collapse. Meadows does not show any pride for a man who history has shown to be so extremely right. His main concern is education. People need to know – people need to be equipped to think, and also to care. And we think we can help there. Together. Let’s be smart AND let’s try to care. (Or the other way around, you’re free there ;) ). In anyway it’s always highly appreciated if you could help share our videos – and especially this interview(!) [For more information about We Love Earth you can also go to: ]