
“Heretic!” (video soundtrack) Composed and written by Andrea Panigada, Alberto Contini and Giulio Borroni. Published and © by CONTINI Edizioni Musicali (SIAE) Recording and assistant engineer Bernadette Contini Drum recording by Ghiulz at Ritmo & Blu Studio Mixing and Mastering: Hertz Studio, Poland Music performers: AC Wild: bass & vocals Andy Bull Panigada: guitars & keyboards Ghiulz: rhythm guitar, guitar solo and G. Bruno speach. Manu: drums Gio: keyboards Video production: Directed, produced and shot by Christian Ryder Guest actors: Steve Sylvester: Giordano Bruno I. C: persecuted and tortured artist MD 13: torturer and executioner Alessandro Carlini: inquisitor priest This video is dedicated to two great heretics of the past, both born in Nola (NA) in the sixteenth century. Their heresies were different but one fundamental thing united them: the exceptional courage with which they refused to abjure and submit to the Catholic Inquisition. They defended their own ideas and freedom of conscience until the end, and faced an atrocious death. Pomponio Algieri was born in 1531 and sentenced to be burned alive in boiling oil in Piazza Navona, Rome on August 19, 1556 (Giordano Bruno was eight years old at the time). Algieri entered the cauldron willingly, without being pushed in by the executioner, after repeating his convictions to the crowd. Death came within fifteen minutes but the great Algieri did not complain which stunned people. On the other hand Giordano (Filippo) Bruno was burned alive in Campo dei Fiori, Rome on February 17, 1600. To prevent him from shouting out his convictions to the crowd, they nailed his tongue to the roof of his mouth. We do not wish to forget what he said to the ecclesiastical Inquisition Court (recited in the video): “You are more afraid of issuing this sentence than I of receiving it“. AC Wild ITA: Questo video è dedicato a due grandi eretici del passato, entrambi nati a Nola (NA) nel 16° secolo. Le loro eresie erano differenti ma una cosa fondamentale li accomuna: il grande coraggio con cui si sono rifiutati di abiurare e sottomettersi all’Inquisizione Cattolica affrontando una fine atroce. Hanno difeso fino all’ultimo le proprie idee e soprattutto la loro libertà di Coscienza. Pomponio Algieri è nato il 1531 e fu condannato ad essere bruciato vivo nell’olio bollente in Piazza Navona, Roma il 19 Agosto 1556 (Giordano Bruno aveva 8 anni). Entrò nella caldera da solo senza essere spinto dal boia dopo aver dichiarato alla folla le sue convinzioni. La morte sopraggiunse dopo 15 minuti ma il grande Algieri non emise alcun lamento, lasciando la folla di stucco. Giordano (Filippo) Bruno invece fu bruciato vivo a Campo dei Fiori, Roma il 17 Febbraio 1600. Per evitare che potesse gridare alla folla le proprie idee gli inchiodarono la lingua al palato. Di lui vogliamo ricordare la sua frase rivolta al tribunale ecclesiastico (recitata nel video): “ Avete più paura voi ad emanare questa sentenza che io nel riceverla” AC Wild Lyrics: There’s a man I know Centuries ago He defied the Church He denied their lies (Was) not afraid to die Disavow their world You know: that’s a valid reason To reject their power He was not scared by death He said: what I think is real! Fighting Inquisition He refused the Realm of lies Burn in flames! CH He got not fear to lose He took his Right to Refuse He got the reason to fight to lead us We got now Nothing to lose We have the Right to Refuse and we're celebrating the HERETIC ! That’s the way I know Let me tell you so Heresy ain’t wrong Gonna be alone No-one to lean on They’ll avange with pain I know I don’t like religions You will be rejected If you wanna see “your way” Dogmas of the ruling cultures Taste of inquisition That’s another “game” of lies CH Maiori forsan cum timore sententiam in me fertis quam ego accipiam CH Bulldozer on the web: Facebook: Instagram: Spotify: