Heal Receding Gums and Grow Back | Treat Sensitive Teeth and Reverse Receding Gums | Gingivitis

#recedingGums #sensitiveTeeth #gingivitis THOUSANDS OF POSITIVE TESTIMONIALS, TONS OF PEOPLE REPORTING THIS IS WORKING! DAILY WE ARE SEEING PEOPLE GETTING BENEFIT FROM THIS. GLAD TO HEAR THAT. PLEASE TRY IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY TRIED THIS!! FOR AUDIO CLEANED VERSION OF THIS VIDEO, SEE THIS NOTE: TURMERIC won't stain natural teeth. If it stains, it is temporary and goes away in a couple of hours. If having crowns/caps please avoid turmeric Holding position of the brush is important. You just hold with two or 3 fingers and start brushing with gentle circular motion. Holding with 2 fingers automatically reduces the pressure you put on the teeth. Use little circular motion for front teeth and back forth motion for back teeth. Do this step in the morning. At night time, avoid brushing, but follow this remedy. 1. Rinse off your mouth. Take 1 tablespoon or little more of water and toss in a pinch of Himalayan pink salt. Now rinse off your mouth with this. This will flush out your mouth and prepares it for next step. 2. Step 2 is Oil pulling with Ayurvedic solution. Take 2 tea spoons of sesame oil in a mortar & pestle system. Toss in a little over half tea spoon of Cloves into it. Now crush it gently. Clove and sesame oil combination works efficiently for all teeth and gum diseases. Now strain this oil. You can make this sesame clove oil in large amount and store it. Now, mix 1 tea spoon of this with 1 tablespoon water. Do oil pulling with this solution for 1 minute in the beginning. Over the days you can do oil pulling for 3 to 5 minutes also. It’s basically swishing this solution, b/w gums and teeth quickly. Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurveda remedy that works like miracle for all teeth and gum diseases. This helps in clearing off plaque, bacteria and prevents diseases like gingivitis. Not only that, it heals the receding gums and helps them to recover and grow quickly. Once we are done, spit it out. 3. Step 3 is applying Turmeric Gel Take ½ teaspoon of turmeric. Add equal amount of water, to make it thick paste like this. With the help of fingers, just gently apply this on your gums and teeth going in circular motion. Wait for 1 minute and rinse off your mouth with fresh water. Turmeric has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can heal gum infections and tooth decay. You should not eat anything 1 hour before or after this remedy. This remedy not only prevents receding gums, but also treats sensitive teeth and provides teeth whitening. Credits: Music: , The images and videos are referred from DISCLAIMER: The materials and the information contained in this video and on the Break The Snow channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Do not try any remedy/suggestion in pregnancy or breast feeding period without doctor's advice. The product reviews or judgement are solely a personal opinion and do not intended to influence the reputation of any product or company.