ERUSOPXECINOMEDDETAEPERHGUORHTSERISEDNAMUHLLAFONOITACIDARECITAMETSYS Bloodlust Towards All (Full Length) 2023 1. Bloodlust Towards All Terrestrial Beings 2. Infernal Precognition 3. We Are Among You 4. Temple of Dionysus 5. Mainlining Hate 6. Field Ritual 7. Sinister Laughter 8. Gorging on Vital Energy 9. March of the Wicked 10. Tunnels of Qliphoth 11. The Eye of the Beholder 12. Baptized in Fire 13. Frozen Earth 14. Hands Held (Walking into Extinction) 15. Astral Assassin 16. Demiurgic Fallacy The rawest, most primitive, and ugliest black metal distilled into its most primal and hate filled essence through endless systems of black alchemy and blood sacrifice. ERUSOPXECINOMEDDETAEPERHGUORHTSERISEDNAMUHLLAFONOITACIDARECITAMETSYS systematically destroys all human desires through the exposure of demonic forces too powerful for the mind to comprehend. Let this hideous black punk course through your veins and take control of your soul and allow you to commit unspeakable acts in its name. Recorded years ago by Cave Ritual in his clandestine cave location, he decided it was finally time to be unleashed upon this realm for hellish intent and mind control. Nythroth added the vocals and lead guitar and this is now ready to infect the general population. No songs over 3 minutes. No tech. Nothing pretty. Only hate. Limited to 66 tapes. No re-presses. Nythroth: Vocals, lead guitar, mixing, mastering Cave Ritual: Drums, guitar, bass