Forgotten Clefs Concert 2024 Final

BLEMF24 | FORGOTTEN CLEFS “SURVIVING INQUISITION“ Bloomington Early Music Festival 2024 Early Music in Exile | May 19-25, 2024 | Visit learn more about Forgotten Clefs. For program notes, please visit Pre-concert discussion with Renaissance music scholar Giovanni Zanovello and member of Forgotten Clefs, multi-instrumentalist C. Keith Collins: Exploring Spanish and Sephardic music over a 400-year span, Surviving Inquisition traces the journey of Sephardic Jews from the 13th century in Alfonso el Sabio’s Castile, through the early years of the Inquisition in late 15th century Catholic Spain, to Italy in the early 17th century, where many Jews lived following expulsion. Using European and Arabic instruments, Surviving Inquisition intertwines traditional Sephardic tunes with Catholic music from Medieval manuscripts; sets music of the li