Freemasonry is Gnosticism

00:00 Intro 00:44 Kisses of Judas 1:27 Metropolitan Kallinikos of Piraeus 1:52 The Masonic Rotary Club 3:13 Pan-Religious Prayer of the Heretics 4:00 Met. Kallinikos Wants 666 All Over Him 4:27 Radio Station to do War 5:53 The Rudder/Pedalion (Book of the Canons) 6:16 Apostolic Canon 45 6:54 Apostolic Canon 46 7:15 Apostolic Canon 65 7:27 Patriarch Bartholomew Prays with the Jews 8:05 Patriarch Alexey II prays with the Catholics 9:15 Canon 32 of Laodicea 9:25 Canon 1 of Carthage 9:40 Canons 37, 38 and 39 of Laodicea 10:03 The Rotary Club is a Masonic Organization 12:54 The G in the Masonic Symbol 13:41 The revelation of God has been made 14:19 Secrete Gnostic Formulas 16:03 Ecumenism 16:54 Conclusion