Shortest regularly used runway in the world? Quite possibly the farm grass strip of the Super701!

Many people have asked about the home grass strip that is used by the Super701, especially after the recent video showing the near disaster “Sketchy landing in a storm“: In this video, you can ride along as I show you what the short/narrow strip on Humberd Farm looks and feels like. We get a couple of bird's eye views and also do a couple of takeoffs and landings. There was a recent challenge by a fellow youtuber to show off our runways that are in use and less than 350ft. The grass strip that is the home of Super701 has a very narrow taxiway through an old-growth forest that leads downhill to the 310ft long x less than 30ft wide grass runway. Watch your wingtips! The runway is smoothed off from a cattle pasture. It is one-way, with no chance of a go-around once on short final approach. It also has an uphill grade with many trees and obstacles all around, including trees, stumps, cattle, fences, tall grass, wildl