Mithraism Explained, And How Dangerous Is It?

#AncientHistory #TheOccult #History #MysteriousMiddleEast What is Mithraism? Often connected to Zoroastrianism, what hidden symbology and influence does the “god“ of Mithra and the Roman/Persian mystery cult of Mithraism have over the world's modern faiths' culture via it's history and future? Archeological findings of Mithraic temples built by the Romans have been found across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, but Mithraism goes back thousands of years earlier to Ancient Persia. Are signs to its existence in the 21st Century know hidden in plain sight and a harbinger for an even more ancient threat that will come from Hell itself? This mystery cult's connection to the Medieval Middle East can be found in the origins of the Assassins Creed game and movie franchise. Watch this episode for more info: The Real Assassin's Creed, Secret Societies and Dark Magic Part 1 of this video Zoroastrianism and the Afg