
\ 0:00 Course Outline 5:57 Join Our Online Classroom! Introduction\ 9:58 What Is A Programming Language 16:23 Python Interpreter 23:27 How To Run Python Code 28:20 Our First Python Program 36:04 Latest Version Of Python 38:02 Python 2 vs Python 3 44:43 Why So Many Languages 48:58 Exercise How Does Python Work Basics\ 51:08 Learning Python 53:13 Python Data Types 57:59 Numbers 1:09:09 Math Functions 1:13:38 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS I 1:17:45 Operator Precedence 1:20:56 Optional bin() and complex 1:24:58 Variables 1:38:11 Expressions vs Statements 1:39:48 Augmented Assignment Operator 1:42:37 Strings 1:48:07 String Concatenation 1:49:23 Type Conversion 1:52:27 Escape Sequences 1:56:51 Formatted Strings 2:05:15 String Indexes 2:14:12 Immutability 2:17:25 Built-In Functions Methods 2:27:29 Booleans 2:30:51 Exercise Type Conversion 2:39:14 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS II 2:43:56 Exercise Password Checker 2:51:17 Lists 2:56:19 List Slicing 3:04:07 Matrix 3:08:18 List Methods 3:18:46 List Methods 2 3:23:11 List Methods 3 3:28:03 Common List Patterns 3:34:00 List Unpacking 3:36:41 None 3:38:32 Dictionaries 3:44:53 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS III 3:47:34 Dictionary Keys 3:51:11 Dictionary Methods 3:55:48 Dictionary Methods 2 4:02:53 Tuples 4:07:40 Tuples 2 4:10:54 Sets 4:18:19 Sets 2 Basics II\ 4:27:04 Breaking The Flow 4:29:39 Conditional Logic 4:42:57 Indentation In Python 4:47:36 Truthy vs Falsey 4:52:54 Ternary Operator 4:57:08 Short Circuiting 5:01:11 Logical Operators 5:08:07 Exercise Logical Operators 5:15:55 is vs == 5:23:32 For Loops 5:30:33 Iterables 5:37:17 Exercise Tricky Counter 5:40:41 range() 5:46:19 enumerate() 5:50:57 While Loops 5:57:25 While Loops 2 6:03:15 break, continue, pass 6:07:31 Our First GUI 6:16:19 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS IV 6:22:54 Exercise Find Duplicates 6:26:49 Functions 6:34:30 Parameters and Arguments 6:38:55 Default Parameters and Keyword Arguments 6:44:36 return 6:57:48 Methods vs Functions 7:02:21 Docstrings 7:06:08 Clean Code 7:10:47 args and kwargs 7:18:43 Exercise Functions 7:23:02 Walrus Operator 7:30:18 Scope 7:33:56 Scope Rules 7:40:51 global Keyword 7:47:05 nonlocal Keyword 7:50:26 Why Do We Need Scope 7:54:05 Exercise Imposter Syndrome Environment\ 7:57:01 MAC - Python Install 8:01:24 WINDOWS - Python Install 8:05:26 Python Developer Tools 8:08:31 Sublime Text 8:14:19 Optional Terminal Commands 8:24:15 Using the Command LineTerminal 8:27:16 Visual Studio Code 8:34:46 PyCharm 8:43:05 Code Formatting - PEP 8 8:48:31 Jupyter Notebooks 9:00:35 Section Review Python Object Oriented Programming\ 9:02:55 What Is OOP 9:08:42 What is OOP Part 2 9:16:59 Creating Our Own Objects 9:28:34 Attributes and Methods 9:37:47 __init__ 9:40:39 [id29436710|@classmethod] and @staticmethod 9:46:27 Reviewing What We Know So Far 9:48:36 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS V 9:51:33 Encapsulation 9:57:25 Abstraction 10:02:13 Private vs Public Variables 10:07:34 Inheritance 10:17:02 Inheritance 2 10:21:14 Polymorphism 10:28:22 super() 10:33:24 Object Introspection 10:35:32 Dunder Methods 10:45:25 Exercise Extending List 10:50:26 Multiple Inheritance 10:57:24 MRO - Method Resolution Order Python Functional Programming\ 11:05:56 Functional Programming 11:07:19 What Is Functional Programming 11:10:21 Pure Functions 11:19:44 map() 11:26:15 filter() 11:30:38 zip() 11:34:07 reduce() 11:41:39 Lambda Expressions 11:49:24 Exercise Lambda Expressions 11:55:52 List Comprehensions