🔴LIVE SPH Darshan: Bhagavan Jvarabhagna Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan

The quest for immortality is as old as humanity itself. Across ages, ancient civilizations around the world have all sought to pierce the secrets of achieving eternal life. Records of individuals extending their life span to several centuries are available even today. However, an accessible science providing practical instructions to live even beyond this age in today's time is found only in Hindu tradition. It is called: Kaya Kalpa, or Iccha Mrityu. As Paramashiva Himself comes down in the form of Bhagavan Jvarabhagna Murthy, receive this great boon of Kaya Kalpa. It is only through Paramashiva's grace that the nectar of immortality can be tasted, and eternal life can be achieved. This ancient enlightened knowledge originates from Him and is being revived by Him. Prepare yourself to witness the Living Manifestation of Bhagavan Jvarabhagna Murthy, THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM, in today's live Darshan, and receive all the boons and bless