J.A Seazer - 天井桟敷音楽作品集 Disc N.2

Disc N.2 called J.A. シーザー・リサイタル 第二部 [J.A. Seazer Recital Part 2] from the 2008 compilation release 天井桟敷音楽作品集 Japanese composer, playwright and theatre producer. Born October 6, 1948 in Miyazaki prefecture. Best known for his musical compositions for Terayama Shuji's Tenjo Sajiki theatre group, which he joined in 1970. Since Terayama's death in 1983, Seazer has led his own theatre group, Banyu Inryoku. Timecodes : 2-1 狂女節 - 06:19 2-2 東京巡礼歌 - 15:48 2-3 長髪楚囚~あわれ自由や~ - 19:25 2-4 英明詩編 - 22:31 2-5 越後つついし親不知 - 28:04 2-6 母捨般若経 - 32:30 2-7 母恋しや珊瑚礁 - 36:56 2-8 英明詩編2 - 44:00 2-9 和讃 - 51:49 2-10 人力飛行機のための演説草案 - 58:17 2-11 山に上りて告げよ - 01:13:38