Sri Guru-puja at Srila Gurudeva’s Samadhi

15 July 2011 was the day of Srila Vyasadeva's Appearance Day, also called Guru Purnima day because on this day it is customary for all disciples to offer Guru-puja or Vyasa-puja to one's beloved Guru Maharaja, the representative of Srila Vyasadeva in this world. Just after the Ratha Yatra Festival, our devotees in Sri Jagannath Puri dhama proceeded to Srila Guru Maharaja's Mahasamadhi Peetha at Sri Navadvipa-dhama to observe Sri Guru Purnima. After about a day's travel from Jagannath Puri, we reached Sri Navadvipa-dhama just before dawn of Sri Guru Purnima day. The day begain with a refreshing and purifying bath at the Ganga River, and after preparing all offerings for Guru puja, our devotees headed by Pujyapad Premananda Prabhuji gathered by mid-morning at the maha-samadhi peetha of Srila Gurudeva, Nitya-lila Pravista Om Visnupad Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaja, where we sang beautiful and heart-touching bhajans in remembrance of Srila Guru Maharaja, his glories and his moods. Upon the request of several devotees, I am sharing this video clip of the Guru-puja that took place after the bhajans at Srila Guru Maharaj's Samadhi Mandir. Heading the puja is Sri Prabhuji Premananda Brahmachari while Madhukar das Brahmachari led everyone to the singing of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura's song “Sri Guru Carana Padma“.