Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov sings AUM (or AOUM) [new HD version]

“Aum is a song with which we can begin all our prayers”. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov “Om” is a powerful syllable with deep significance in both Eastern and Western traditions. It can be pronounced as “Aum” in songs. Chanting Aum connects singers to the cosmos, elevates them to a divine plane, and influences their chakras positively. The syllable Om corresponds to what – in the Western tradition – we call the Logos, the Word of creation. In the Hindu tradition, it represents the original sound and is associated with Kalahamsa, this cosmic bird that laid the primordial egg from which the universe was born. Om is a syllable with very powerful vibrations which Hindus use as a mantra. They repeat it untiringly in their meditations. You too can pronounce this mantra either aloud or mentally. You can concentrate on this word without thinking of anything else and repeat, Om, Om, Om... You can also associate it with a breathing exercise. Inhale through the nose while mentally pronouncing Om four times, then exhale very slowly through the mouth while repeating Om. After a while, you will feel calmer and full of energy. The syllable Om can also be decomposed as Aum, and it is in this form that we sing it. If we are conscious of the magical power of sounds, we can gradually feel what perfect forms this song produces in our soul. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov. Daily Meditation, June 15, 2017 Aum is also written as Aoum in French, German and several other languages. For the music CD, please visit: If you wish to be informed about Fraternal Forum meetings, online and in person, please sign up to our Newsletter at the bottom of our homepage on Forum@ @omraam Phone +1-844-Omraam8 (667 2268)