NIST Website/NIST FOIA 09-42 -- R19: FBI Tape #8, Clips 1-19 (WTC2 Impact Explosion, 9:03am)

00:16 - A fluid, likely water, flowing down the south face of WTC1. For better view see this video: 12:55 - Explosion fireball at South Tower captured. Airplane missed. Southwest, west and northwest views. Videographer: Ryan Witholt Uncompressed clips 1-2 and 4-19 deinterlaced, resolution upscaled and clarity increased. Contrast, gamma, colors, color saturation and audio adjusted. Clip #3 as MP4 video decompressed, resolution upscaled and clarity increased. Contrast, gamma, colors, color saturation and audio adjusted. No or very low volume detected at the right audio channel, unlike the FBI Cumulus clips. The audio was enhanced to pseudo-stereo by splitting the left channel in two mono channels and adding simulated stereo chorus to both. NIST FOIA 09-42 Release #19 Folders: 42A0056 - G17D3, 42A0057 - G17D4, 42A0058 - G17D5 Files: FBI #8_1-2 & FBI #8_4-19 Source: NIST WTC Repository World Trade Center Disaster Investigation Materials Folder: Organized Photos and Video Clips 1st Lv. Subfolder: VideoClips 2nd Lv. Subfolder: FBIcumulusVideoClips 3rd Lv. Subfolder: FBI #8 clip #3 - REDACTED File: FBI tape 8 NIST clip Source: +Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/VideoClips/FBIcumulusVideoClips/FBI+%238+clip+%233+-+REDACTED/