HAZ x Daniel Tutt: Marxism & Psychoanalysis

Professor Daniel Tutt is a scholar and lecturer based in George Washington University, with an area of focus on Psychoanalysis, Continental Philosophy, Marxism, Islam and Ethics. He joined me for a civil dialogue about our contrasting views on Marxism, psychoanalysis and philosophy. While we retain significant differences in our outlook, we still managed to find a degree of common understanding throughout this lecture. I really recommend people watch it in its entirety, because regardless of whatever conclusion you will walk away with, it is deeply informative and is sure to introduce you to spheres of inquiry and schools of thought you may have not previously been familiar with. Daniel Tutt proves that many of the disagreements held by the American left with Infrared can be presented in a civil and respectful manner through dialogue, without name-calling or knee-jerk reactions. While I (Haz) do not agree with him on many issues, I deeply respect both his courage and good faith in coming on the show and presenting his perspective. NOTE that many people tried to dissuade him from engaging in dialogue precisely because they knew the outcome would completely contradict their falsehoods and lies about Infrared. 00:00:00 Tutt's General Introduction 00:02:56 Tutt's Critique of anti-LGBT views 00:05:55 Tutt's Personal Background 00:08:12 Haz: The Importance of Norms 00:13:37 Alienation, Family, and Class 00:21:00 Patriarchy, Modernity, and Infrared 00:29:52 Communism: Patriarchal and Messianic 00:37:57 Father of the Horde, Patriarchal Authority 00:48:38 Overcoming Bourgeois Civilization 00:58:18 Worker's Movements & MAGA 01:03:48 Lukacs: Neo-Kantian Idealist? 01:14:02 Heidegger & 'Irrationalism' 01:21:19 MAGA, the 'Old Proletariat,' Historical Nihilism 01:37:04 Politics of Nostalgia & Xi Jinping Thought 01:44:10 Reactionary elements in MAGA 01:48:47 Class Roots of Fascism 01:57:50 Bolshevik Bohemianism? 02:03:36 Dugin and Mysticism 02:18:02 Lacan: Impossibility of the Sexual Relationship 02:23:45 What Haz told Dugin Off Camera 02:27:35 Education in Era of Social Media 02:30:21 Importance of Dialogue 02:33:18 Conclusion: Infrared and Cancel Culture HIS WAS ON KICK, FOLLOW ME THERE TO WATCH LIVE: FOLLOW ME ON RUMBLE: JOIN MY TELEGRAM: Support the show: Visit our website: