Lemmings Colour Palette & Level Title Fix PAL RomHack UPDATE to v1.2 - READ DESCRIPTION

I decided after so long to update my Lemmings Colour Palette & Level Title fix PAL hack to v1.2. This version has the following changes. Colour palettes altered for the special Levels from Fun to Mayhem Fixed the Title for Level 16 Luvly Jubly to have the two words in one space apart rather than two spaces apart like the v1.1 whilst keeping the level title spelling how Adrian Gauna renamed it. The purple text palette has now been tweaked to a better warmer purple rather than a cooler purple. Saying that though. Whilst A Beast of a Level on Fun and MENACING !!! has the palettes improved well. What an Awesome Level and A BeastII of a Level looks OK, But think I may need to tweak it more down the line as some colours are kinda off (especially Level 22 Mayhem) DOWNLOAD FOR v1.2 at ROMHack Plaza.