Come into a deeper, truthful relationship with Jesus Christ. Prayer series pt.5

Did you know that in Matthew 16-16 & 17 there is a statement of Christ's own apocalypse, in His own words? This may be one of the most important prayers you could ever pray. It may change everything. You may be transformed by your own prayer. If you long for a deeper, intimate, more meaningful connection with God; if your Prayer-life needs inspiration; if you need help but you don't know what help - then this series is for you. In this series of films, we explore the concept of holding God to His word on the promises He made to us in scripture; and in this film, we explore what God might have revealed to Peter about Christ at Caesarea Philippi. Full Prayer-series playlist: * Joe Amaral: The Messianic Miracles of Jesus For a podcast of this film & To listen to No Greater Love's content on Podcast: @NoGreater