Taiji fighting pushing hands

Shi Chongying, Guo Shilei's teacher, is 6th generation successor of Ma Weiqi Bagua and Cheng style Bagua, and 7th generation inheritor of Yang style Taiji. He is currently in his seventies but still incredibly powerful, quick, and skilled. Guo Shifu has often told us how much more accomplished Shi Shiye is than he is, and that fighting or pushing hands with Shi Shiye remains tasks of guaranteed defeat for him. Anyone and everyone lucky enough to witness Master Shi Chongying in tuishou (push hands) or sanshou (free sparring) invariably remarks in wonder, ”How does he. without using any discernible stance or technique, with no more than a simple gesture, send people flying so very far from him?” This amazing level of skill, so rarely seen today, is the fruit of traditional martial training. Master Shi, Zhengzhou University’s professor of martial arts, has in the last 22 years dedicated his life to the martial arts. He is Ma (Weiqi) style Baguazhang’s 6th generation successor and 6th generation inhe