David Wilcock LIVE: Quantum Leap of the Solar System

Explore the exciting scientific evidence that our Sun is about to undergo a quantum leap that will transform the energetics of our entire Solar System! David combines the Law of One, Michael Prophecies, 1950s human ET contact reports and cutting-edge science to make the case for a First Wave of Ascension in 2025. We will discuss the pioneering work of Dr. Harold Aspden, who discovered an inertial thrust effect in rotating masses. He also built a quantum model predicting 'densities' within ZPE, each of which has a signature microwave frequency. Then we will explore Dr. William Tifft's discovery that these same frequencies already exist in 'quantized' light outputs from within galaxies themselves. These “galactic energy zones“ are layered like an onion and expand out from their centers. Every galaxy appears to have them. Stars go through discrete, quantized changes in their light output. This provides a theoretical basis for understanding