Ethan Bortnick - Engravings | Audiotree STAGED

Ethan Bortnick is an American pianist, singer, songwriter, record producer and musician. At three years old, he discovered a rare set of music skills, including perfect pitch, on his little toy keyboard that eventually led him to appearances on The Tonight Show, Oprah, Disney, Nickelodeon, and his award-winning concert specials on PBS. Bortnick is not just a musical prodigy; he is a storyteller whose music resonates with anyone who admires exceptional talent and unwavering passion. During his performance at Chicago music venue Schubas, Bortnick takes his us on an emotional rollercoaster, capturing our hearts and captivating our senses. Check out Ethan Bortnick on Audiotree Staged! Recorded live at Schubas Tavern in Chicago, IL. Visit the band's website → Check out the performance of “Cut My Fingers Off“ → Check out the performance of “Prom“ →