Usihe town

More than 50 kilometres from Hanyuan County It has spent 52 years welcoming and sending people back and forth It has recorded the stories of the 1970s and 1980s. Many people went to school and worked abroad At peak times, 16 buses pass through here every day. At the same time loading and unloading of freight vehicles close to 20,000 cars a year Delivering over a million tonnes of cargo It’s still vaguely familiar. In the past, when you came to catch a train in Ushe You had to get up in the middle of the night It brings back memories of those special years. Here are your youth and dreams After the opening of the Yaxi Expressway in 2012 Fewer people came to Ushe to catch the train. The memory of the green train is gradually forgotten. This year, more than 20,000 freight cars were loaded and unloaded. The Ehan Expressway is about to open Let’s hear the story of this town. Let’s see the green train here.