Samuel Keith Ellison, 58, of Theodosia more Felony Charges and Mental Evaluation Ordered.

My family has also suffered in a ordeal over a property line dispute at 291 Stehle Rd became a catalyst for change, highlighting the systemic failures within our local community and justice system. This story, involving individuals like Samuel Keith Ellison, Ronald Lee Stehle, Mark Thrift, Joshua Johns, and Rory Smith, alongside the perceived inaction of Sheriff Cass Martin and his deputies, including Seth Miller, underscores a broader narrative of injustice that many in our area face. The events at 291 Stehle Rd where my family felt terrorized by neighbors, including Sammy Ellison's notorious visit, have spurred me into action. This isn't just a tale of personal woe but a beacon for systemic reform. Witnessing firsthand the failure of justice, where local disputes escalate into threats and harassment, we realized the need for a louder voice, a platform to expose and fight against these injustices. This experience led to the creation of the “Missouri Battle Flag“ YouTube channel, a space dedicated to shedding light on these issues, advocating for those who feel voiceless, and pushing for a more equitable and responsive legal system. If you believe in the cause, in bringing about real change in Ozark County and supporting those who've been wronged, I urge you to like, subscribe, and share the Missouri Battle Flag channel. Our runs for various political offices were not just campaigns; they were battles against the two-tier justice system that allowed individuals like those involved in the Stehle dispute to operate with a seeming impunity. It's about making noise, shining a light on the darkness, and demanding accountability from figures like Sheriff Cass Martin, whose leadership has been questioned in handling these local disputes. By sharing our story, by making it known that families like mine suffer due to these systemic issues, we aim to inspire a movement. A movement where no one feels alone in their fight, where the community comes together to demand justice, fairness, and peace. Join us in this battle. Follow Missouri Battle Flag, engage with our content, and help amplify the voices that need to be heard. Together, we can push for the reforms necessary to ensure that the residents of Ozark County, and indeed all of Missouri, can live without fear, confident in the justice system that's meant to protect them, not fail them. Remember, your support, your voice, can be the catalyst for change. Like, subscribe, and share Missouri Battle Flag, and let's fight for a fairer Ozark County together.