US escalates new cold war on China: Congress passes 25 anti-Chinese laws in 1 week, funds propaganda

Cold War Two fervor is reaching fever pitch in Washington. In “China Week“, the US House of Representatives approved 25 anti-Chinese laws, in bipartisan votes, including $1.6 billion in funding for anti-China propaganda worldwide. Ben Norton discusses how both the Republican and Democratic Parties are targeting China with information war, sanctions, tech restrictions, tariffs, even threats of military force. Sources and more information here: CIA director threatens China & Russia, says Ukraine war benefits US economy: How the US wages economic war on countries all around the world: US Secretary of State Blinken announces China containment policy: Topics 0:00 US Congress escalates Cold War II on China 1:53 US House approves $1.6 billion for anti-China propaganda 2:46 Goal of new cold war: do to China what West did to post-Soviet Russia 3:44 Congress funds war, not social programs for Americans 5:20 Media notes US politicians are preparing for war 6:28 (Clip) Biden lies about Iraqi “WMDs“ 6:45 Containment strategy toward China 7:45 (Clip) Blinken: USA “will shape the strategic environment around Beijing“ 8:29 The “rules-based international order“ 10:05 (Clip) CIA teaches how to “lie, cheat, and steal“ 10:22 Pompeo's anti-China speech 12:11 (Clip) Pompeo: US must (regime) “change“ China 13:00 CIA says China is biggest “threat“ 15:29 US Congress' (Anti) “China Week“ 17:22 Funding anti-China disinformation 17:42 Hong Kong 18:34 Taiwan 20:10 “Pacific Partnership“ (for war) 20:34 Japan and South Korea 20:55 Economic warfare and sanctions 24:40 Electric vehicles (EVs) 27:03 Drones 27:53 Batteries 28:39 Biotech 29:08 Telecommunications 30:37 Chinese currency (renminbi/yuan) 31:45 Agriculture/land 32:14 Media 32:37 Scientific research 32:59 Confucius Institutes 33:36 USA restricts interchange with Chinese 35:00 Preparing for war 35:49 Outro || Geopolitical Economy Report || Please consider supporting us at Patreon: Podcast: Newsletter: