Porn Fuels The Demand For Sex Trafficking — Truth About Porn

Hear from experts in various academic disciplines talk about the connection between pornography and sex trafficking. Featuring interviews from: Mahri Irvine, Ph.D.; Taina Bien-Amié; Melissa Farley, Ph.D.; John D. Foubert, Ph.D.; Donna M. Hughes; Shamere McKenzie; Kevin Malone; Susan Norris; Marian Hatcher; Karen Countryman-Roswurm, Ph.D., LMSW; Heidi Olson, RN, BSN, CPN; and Valiant Richey. Over the last decade, an overwhelming amount of science and research has come out on the topic of pornography and its effects on the viewer, their relationships, and society. Truth About Porn is a current, ever-growing database dedicated to the research on the harmful effects of pornography. Learn more at