Potsdam 1945 (in color and HD)

Impressions filmed on the road from Berlin to Potsdam, just after the end of World War Two from Potsdam, close to Berlin (south-west). These images must have been shot in or after July 13th in 1945. At 2:20 we see Lt. Col. George Stevens, head of the signal corps of the US Army, showing a card - maybe an invitation card - to the Berlin Conference of the Allied Powers that took place in July 1945. Around Potsdam and in the city, the camera filmed many German refugees, families, pulling their last belongings. At the end (4:45) we get a short glimpse at the Orangery Palace at Sanssouci. Find more impressive videos in our playlist “Spirit of Liberation“: Subscribe to chronoshistory: Footage in original color and HD before restoring for the documentary “Spirit of Liberation“ (Kronos Media, 2016) Watch here the new restored pictures in our film trailer: