Human Sacrifice and Atonement - Rabbi Tovia Singer @ToviaSinger1

I have been asked both of your questions by many Christians in the past, although not often with the earnestness and openness that comes across in your letter. You have essentially asked two questions, and I will address each separately. Regarding your first question, the Bible is clear on the subject of the advent of the Messiah.1 It should be noted, however, that although many sections throughout the Jewish Scriptures vividly describe how the world will be forever transformed with the arrival of the Messianic Age, very few discuss the Messiah personally. The vast bulk of Messianic Scripture in Tanach2 depicts the state of perfection that the world will achieve at the End of Days. In contrast, parishioners pray to Jesus repeatedly, whom they venerate as God. How frequently is Jesus’ name mentioned during a typical Church service? Probably hundreds of times. Throughout the entire corpus of the Jewish Scriptures, there is not a single instance where we are encouraged to pray to or in the name of