The FREAKY Hollywood Party That Changed Justin Bieber’s Life FOREVER

Let's talk bout an infamous Hollywood party that took place one fateful evening in April 2014. Everybody who was anybody was there: Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Corey Gamble, Justin Bieber, Naomi Campbell, Dr. Dre and MORE... Let's discuss. ALSO... is Reign Dissick Justin Bieber's son? I found some interesting receipts... ✔ L E G A L F U N D ✔ M E R C H ✔T H A T S U R P R I S E W I T N E S S TV @ThatSurpriseWitness ✔ B J I N V E S T I G A T E S ✔ J U S T P R E M P O D C A S T (My fiance + sometimes me) @JustPremPodcast ✔ C A S H A P P $SurpriseWitness ✔ P A Y P A L